Green Belt Training & Certification-Lean Six Sigma Curriculum philadelphia

Philadelphia Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification and Training

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Green Belt Training & Certification-Lean Six Sigma Curriculum philadelphia

We want to provide students, and business professionals equal opportunities to improve their careers and curriculums at Lean Six Sigma Curriculum for Philadelphia High School Students of Pennsylvania, and for it, Green Belt Training and Certification is one way we can help them be great assets and have a lot of value to offer to future companies or job positions they apply to.

All green belts can be project managers. They will be able to implement process improvements in companies or even institutions they are part of as students. As more people learn about the LSS, they can apply this practical training to their workplaces and personal projects.

Students learn to collaborate and create systems while in college, high school, or for future job positions, so don’t think this is a methodology only professionals can take advantage of.

These certifications and training are most beneficial for job applications. This is a sign of how valuable you are as a person to a business, as companies need constant improvement, a way that reduces waste and cares for customers’ satisfaction.

This level of LSS can be a great place for learning how to solve problems, make decisions, and grow in how you can take part in the projects as a team leader and not only as a data analyst, which is what yellow belts are often allowed to do.

To be eligible for this level of training, you must be yellow belt certified whatsoever, so you cannot skip the introductory level since it goes over the basics and essentials of Sigma.

Benefiting from Our Green Belt Training

Green Belt training is offered to leaders, consultants, project managers, and any other person who is interested in Lean Six Sigma and wants to scale in the methodology in order to take on roles that are more influential within a company. If you are not any of the previous people, it will prepare you for those job positions as well.

Professionals often request our training because they see it as an important addition to their careers. However, it is also available to all students, from high school to college, to employers and companies, to provide training for their employees and teams.

The training will remain the same regardless of what education level or the person’s background is. We will adapt our teaching methods so that everyone is prepared and has the same level of knowledge in the end.

Training in this belt can take ten days to complete and over 25 hours. It all depends on the time you invest daily and how you want to approach the training and certification options with the help of our team. We know that some people will jump from the yellow belt to the green one we offer, but this is only possible in their minds as a yellow belt will be requested for the green one.

All participants can take the Green Belt exam after completing the training phase so that they can receive their certificates, but the exam must be approved with a score of at least 290 points out of 400.

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Our Green Belt Training Outline

This level is not only more comprehensive than the yellow belt training, but it covers all the basics as part of a review. You will also learn how to implement Six Sigma within your company or project in a more detailed manner.

You can therefore expect our outline to look like this:

  • Introduction to Methodology: What Is Lean? What is Six Sigma? What does Lean ix Sigma stand for?
  • Learn how to identify customers and problems by using the DMAIC structure (from 6 Sigma) as a starting point. What are the expectations and needs of the client? How did they experience the process?
  • To determine the size of the obstruction, measure and analyze it.
  • Analyze the data to determine the root cause.
  • Focus on the things you can improve on: Identify the root cause of the problem and then put it into practice.
  • You can control all of your processes so that the solutions you have created and implemented will last.

International Recognition Thanks to Our Certifications

Lean Six Sigma Curriculum Pros of Philadelphia has a strong reputation in international organizations. Each certificate will bring you international recognition and all the benefits of the training.

We are accredited by IASSC, ASQ, and LCS. We adhere to international standards and make sure that each student is ready for the challenges they are being assigned to or prepared for during this training.

As a student at high school, college, or university, or as a business professional, you can be certain that our certification and team will add value to your life and open up new opportunities.